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Customer Journeys

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Design Customer Journeys with Problem Statements to describe a User Flow for your product. Extend it with Mockups and Prototypes to visualize. Determine functional and non-functional Requirements for a Customer Journey and link it with Jira issues.

This template is available in the German and English language.

The template starts with a box where you can enter some important metadata. To be able to track the implementation progress of a customer journey, we at enbl.it use an Epic in Jira. You can link that directly here. Furthermore, you can specify a contact person and link additional documents to the customer journey.

Next, you can formulate the problem statement. Here you will find a table with the individual elements of the problem statement.

For some Customer Journeys, it makes sense to include a preparation phase in which possible solutions are worked out, prototypes are created, and a simple proof of concept is run through. You can enter these activities in the table here and even link them to tasks in Jira.

In the next section you can enter the text of the customer journey. The excerpt macro, which can also be seen in the figure, is used so that the text you enter here can be read on an overview page of all Customer Journeys.

After clarifying what the solution to the problem from the problem statement looks like, the next task is to determine the functional and non-functional requirements.
In the functional requirements, you describe which functions the product must support and link the appropriate user stories or tasks.
Non-functional requirements describe more general requirements regarding quality, security, etc. Again, you can link the requirements to user stories or tasks as needed.

In this area of the template you can exclude functions or features, which are then not part of the implementation and can be delivered later. However, these then require a separate Customer Journey, which only has to describe the delta.

While you are working on the Customer Journey, it will often happen that you have to make decisions. You can document these decisions here. This is helpful when looking back to be able to understand the decisions.

The template concludes with a simple question and answer block. If any content-related questions arise during filling, you have a central place here where you can deposit them. This way, others who have similar questions can share them.

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