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Priorization for Objectives and Initiatives

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With the prioritization macro, you can prioritize your objectives and initiatives based on 5 objective criteria. The criteria are business value, time criticality, risk minimization, business opportunities (influence of strategy on objectives) and duration. The prioritization value is calculated automatically and can be inserted anywhere on the page.

The macro supports both objectives and initiatives (1). The criteria for prioritization is the same for both, except for one criterion. Instead of strategic impact for objectives, business opportunity is assessed for Initiatives.

How the priority value is calculated

The table consists of 5 values that you can specify. The single values are a simple Fibonacci series. And you see the value used for computation in the label (the number at the beginning). The value is calculated using a simple formula. This is the formula for objectives:

(Value+Time Criticality + Risk reduction + Strategic Impact)*10 / Duration

And for initiatives:

(Value+Time Criticality + Risk reduction + Business opportunities)*10 / Duration

How to edit the macro?

To edit the macro you need to click on the table and choose the edit option (1) (the pencil icon). Afterwards you see the available options in the sidebar (2). All changes are visible without separate saving.

Please remember that the option distinguish between objective and initiative.

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