Quick start with enbl.it

The start with the AddOn and enbl.it is quite simple. With the template for the start you set the starting point and all necessary subpages are created.

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Let's start

The Start template is the homepage for your product development process. Create a new page and select Start | enbl.it as the template. Give the page the product name as the page title. In the template you can store your product vision and important contact persons.

After you have published the page, two subpages will be created automatically. The first subpage serves as a starting point for the personas. On this page you also have the option to directly create new personas with the provided template.

The other page, on the other hand, serves as the starting point for your product specification. In the product goals page, you can create a new objective. In the created Objective pages you have the option to directly create Initiatives and then Customer Journeys from the Initiatives.

As you can see, once you have created the start template, you will be guided through the workflow of enbl.it. Of course you can extend the process for yourself by creating your own templates and integrating them into the workflow of enbl.it.